Darom AS, Ltd was established in 2005 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Our company is the only one flavours producer in Lithuania.
The establisher of the company in the market of flavours is more than 15 years, the team of the company is young and qualified, interested in creation of flavours and fragrances.
From the year 2005 company is creating flavours for food: sweet, savory, beverages, dairy, snacks and so on. Flavours are the main area of our company. We produce natural flavours and identical to natural flavours. Our main idea in producing flavours is to offer a client the flavour which suits his needs the best, so, before offering a flavour, we want to know about the end product as much as possible.
In 2010 we began to produce fragrances for parfumes and cosmetics and fragrances for household chemicals. This company’s area is quite new, but for a moment we have good and competitive fragrances for clients. Here as well we are working with the idea – to offer our client the product he is looking for.
The year 2012 was successful for Darom AS company, as we signed countries with two big and world known companies and become their distributors. In May, 2012 we signed the contract with Rieber&Son ASA company, which produces food by trademarks “Rieber&Son ASA” and well known trademark “Vitana a.s.”. In the end of 2012, we signed contract with Norway company, which produces seafood powders and granules.
In 2013 Darom AS company become official distributor of Red Arrow International, Llc. This company offers smoking solutions for meat, fish, cheese, etc. industries.
In the end of 2014 Darom AS began production of liquid smoke for food made at home. Company titled these products as Smokeland and offers three kinds of liquid smoke: Smokeland liquid smoke for chicken, Smokeland liquid smoke for different types of fish and meat and Smokeland smoke flavour vegetable oil. More about these product can be found in website www.smokeland.eu